All the gadgets

How do you pick the right piece of technology that will positively impact your life? 

It all starts with identifying how technology can help you better connect genuinely with those around you. Here's an example:

  • We focus on the creation of creations that emphasize self expression (LED shoes) and solitary mind-space (headphones). We embrace these gadgets because they help us tell our own stories better, and give us the space to recover from the noisy world surrounding us. 

That's a really long way of saying that your engagement with technology needs to begin with... Why?

  • Why are you gravitating towards that piece of technology, that app, that bit of social media?
  • Does it help your life, making it better and more meaningful?
  • Or does it pull you away constantly?

Once you've established your "why," figuring out how to complement your life with the right piece of technology will be a breeze. 

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